Laundry SOS
Posted by BaBa under: Daily Life.
The washing machine has suk after only short 5 years of service. Occasionally over the last few months, we would see some water on the floor of the laundry museum. Well the occasional small water has becoming more frequent and with an increase in volume.
Last night, our grandson came over to help as we hoped we had a bad hose. After moving things around in the laundry room, we began to investigate. Of course it was not a hose. We started it and out came the trickle of water from the bottom. We leaned the stack back and he looked under neath. He found more water underneath and rust on the bottom. It seems that we have a rusted part bottom with some type of of part that is broken. Service rates and part prices make fixing things financially unfeasible.
So time to shop for a new pair. I stacked out the online sites that night and began the actual search tonight. Stay tuned.