6 August 2008

Gotcha Day Celebrations

Posted by BaBa under: Retrospect; Special Days .

One Year Ago Today 08-06-07

Today is Sheridan’s Gotcha Day. One year ago today, Sheridan joined our family. It is hard to believe that it has been a year ago as it feels like he has always been with us and yet we are so ever mindful of the joy, delight and wonder he has brought to our lives.

We explained this morning what today was and gave Sheridan extra hugs, kisses and cuddles. We left the house after some playtime and blogging to go to the Tea Cup Cottage for lunch. It was a very formal tea restaurant and Sheridan was on top of his game using his manners all during lunch. His only funny was taking the small sugar spoon and enjoying a spoonful straight from the sugar bow. MaMa had told him not to put the spoon in his tea and he poured a spoonful in the small tea cup. His second spoonful never made it to the cup. However, no problems as he had not put it in the cup. We chuckled and enjoyed our tea with lunch. MaMa had a salad while Sheridan had soup (one of his favorite dishes) and I had a muffin covered in cheese sauce with tomato, bacon and shaved ham. For desert, we had a lemon cake slice and derby pie. Sheridan had a lot of the derby pie that he was to share with MaMa. He later remarked that his tummy hurt because he ate too much pie.

We left the tea cottage to get his camera. After the camera was purchased, we returned home for a short nap and some quiet time before leaving for dinner. Dinner was at a Japanese restaurant where the chef cooked at the table for us. We invited the Chapmans and the Claxtons to celebrate his Gotcha Day. These two families had a tremendous impact on us and our journey to Sheridan. The Claxtons mentored us through the process. I would call Cristy anytime I had a dossier question and it was great to hear her encouraging voice at the other end of our lifeline. We met the Claxtons at our First First Friday meeting and made a real connection. They have two older boys and were in line for their second daughter from China. You know there are some people you are destined to meet and the connection is special each time you see or talk to them.

The Chapmans provided the steady support in our journey by maintaining their community group for adopting parents and adoptive families. We also made a connection with them on that first evening. Our connection took longer to develop, but is as strong as we have gotten to know them more and in deeper ways since we received Sheridan’s referral. We also have many things in common with both families and really cherish their friendship and place in our lives.

What better way to spend a special day that marks the anniversary of the day our world changed and to share the impact of this change with those who helped us make it possible. Sheridan was juiced up with using his new camera and seeing his friends. We had a great time and a really special night. We left the restaurant and went around the corner to Starbucks for some coffee and tea with Mimi and Susan. Of course, we went to talk over the coffee and tea. Nice way to end the night.

Some of the photos below are from our newest photographer – Sheridan. It will be fun to develop his skills and love for this hobby so that we can share this together.

Lunch at the Tea Cottage
Sheridan’s First Photos
Dinner Photos

One Comment so far...

Laura Says:

8 August 2008 at 8:25 am.

I love the pictures of Sheridan at the Tea Cup Cottage! He has grown so much and is such a sweet boy. I loved reading about your Gotcha Day celebrations-you are one special family and we look forward to seeing you again soon.

About Our Family

We have been married for 26 years, and have been blessed with our youngest son from China. Our oldest son is from Nicaragua. He and his wife have given us two outstanding grandchildren. Our daughter is Thai and is married to a wonderful son-in-law.

This is the chronicle of our adventures as a family with Sheridan.

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