6 August 2007

Travel Day 6 — Gotcha Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by BaBa under: Travel .

I could put all of the pictures at the bottom to make you read the post first, but I will put some at the top and the rest at the bottom to improve your reading pleasure.
BaBa and MaMa at the Mandarian Garden
Members of our Group
Grant, Sheridan and Mary Audrey
Nanny, kids and Coco
MaMa, Sheridan meet
Meltdown ! ! !

MaMa and Sheridan

    More photos from today have been loaded now at the bottom of the post.

Today we woke up early again. Of course that was natural as today is the day we have been working toward for over a year. It is the day where we will be united with our new son. So much paperwork, so many strange twists, so many friends met on the journey and so much hope all culminating into today.

The day started with the normal breakfast at the hotel (kind of bland here) and talking to Ralph and Jim. We then got our stuff together and came down to meet our group in the lobby before 10:00am. We had a few minutes for pictures on the staircase.

Soon, we were on the coach and off for a 15 minute ride to the civil affairs building. This is a kind of surreal day. One of those days you have dreamed of all your life.

    I remember the song from Yentl with Barbara Streisand. There are moments you remember all your life.

There are moments you remember all your life.
There are moments you wait for and dream,
Of all your life.
This is one of those moments.
I will always remember this chair,
that window, the way the light streams in.
The clothes I’m wearing,
The words I’m hearing,
The face I’m seeing,
The feeling I’m feeling,
The smell, the sounds, will be written
On my mind, will be written in my heart
As long as I live!

. . . There are moments you remember all your life.
There are moments you wait for
And dream, of all your life.
This is one of those moments!

Truly this is one of the moments. We arrive at the civil affairs office and he is seated on the bench with Grant, Mary Audrey, a nanny and Coco. Coco tells him there is MaMa and BaBa. He is uncertain. MaMa gets him and peace lasts for less than two minutes. He soon melts down and melts down in a large way. He has the lungs of an Elephant and can trumpet his displeasure. He is also as strong as an Ox and throws his head back. It is easy to see that he is (to continue to use the animal analogies) healthy as a horse. The meltdown gets louder and louder and continues for more than 30 minutes.

MaMa and I take turns holding him and attempting to comfort him, but it quickly became obvious to me that I would need to roll with the punches and to let him exhaust himself. And so it went. His nanny tried to comfort him, but she was crying, he was crying, and MaMa was crying. In fact she was doing him more harm than good as this continued to upset him. She left and this did seem to help slightly. We found out from Coco that he was a favored child at the orphanage and was loved by all of the nannies. In fact, he had two nannies that were his favorites. He is used to being held and played with according to the report. Coco gave us all of the items we had sent for him and a thick collection of papers with photos over time and details of his life. We will have to get this translated once we get home, but what a priceless treasure.

He finally started settling down after I walked him around and he was nearly spent. The family photo we had to have made must be dreadful as he was still raging. It was only after this photo that he began to settle down and it was time to leave. I am happy to report that once the meltdown was over, he went with us without a fuss to the coach and sat next to me with my around him back to the hotel. He was a little fussy when we got to the room as we did give him a bath. He was dripping wet with sweat from him crying and meltdown. I dried him off and he again settled down. We changed his clothes and he was doing much better.

The rest of the day, our son’s wonderful inquisitive personality began to break through. He needed some yogurt milk (drank two containers) and a nap. After the nap, he had cheerios (took a while to try them) and learned over the course of an hour how to open and close the container. He went with us down to fill out the adoption paperwork with Min and MaMa took him to see the Koi fish in the lobby which he thought was fascinating. It was time for a diaper change and to start to reluctantly show a smile (ever so slight). Later in the evening, we went to Burger King for dinner and he walked with us holding both hands. He is a large kid compared to the others in the group especially the 3+ year old guy. He is healthy and his wrist really does not impact his grip or dexterity. We are so thrilled and pleased to be his parents and that he is a bright, inquisitive child. All I can end with is

Thanks be to God ! ! ! Good night from Nanjing and our newly expanded family.

Here are the rest of the Gotcha Day Pictures.
Center for Foreing Adoptions
Jiangsu Registration Center
Coco, Belinda and Mary Audrey
Civil Affairs Office
Riding with BaBa on the Coach
Sheridan takes a nap
Sheridan Looks at the Koi
Sheridan’s Slight Grin
Sheridan and Dinner
Sheridan Loves French Fries

15 Comments so far...

Cathy Paulsen Says:

6 August 2007 at 8:25 am.

I have a few minutes away to check blogs and I am so happy to see beautiful Sheridan in your arms. I cannot wait to meet him and hear about your trip.

Donna Says:

6 August 2007 at 8:37 am.

Great, your pictures and post made me cry at work this morning 😉 I am so happy for you guys.
You are two very lucky parents!! He is absolutely gorgeous!

Tymm & Laura Says:

6 August 2007 at 8:40 am.

Congratulations! We can’t wait to meet that little guy! We’ll be praying for the rest of your journey and your trip home.

Amy Heymann Says:

6 August 2007 at 8:47 am.

I’m very happy for you and for Grant! He is a beautiful boy! I hope it just gets better!
Many blessings to you from Germany,
Amy Heymann
Sarah Shui Qings Mom…also from Nanjing

amy Says:

6 August 2007 at 8:53 am.

I was so looking forward to this post this morning! THanks for posting pics..Joyful tears run down my face! Praying for your new family and will be praying today for a smooth adjustment!

Greg and Cristy Says:

6 August 2007 at 10:52 am.

Can’t believe the day has FINALLY arrrived! I rejoice with you both! Can’t wait to get you all home for some playdates with my girls! Enjoy this special time of bonding with him and post more pictures- they are the highlight of my day!

Mark and Rebecca Says:

6 August 2007 at 11:16 am.

So excited for you! Thanks for sharing pictures. We are praying for you.

Vanessa Says:

6 August 2007 at 12:05 pm.

I am so happy for all of you!
I finally got to break away for a moment at work and I’m sitting here in tears looking at that sweet boy in your arms ( yes, screaming in your arms, but still…).
You are absolutely right – Thanks be to God!

Cant wait to see more pistures and hear more tales of “Sheridans shenanigans” 😉


Karen & Bruce Says:

6 August 2007 at 7:28 pm.

Congratulations! He’s just precious. Wishing you the best in your bonding. Can’t wait to meet him.

Angela, Jay and Laney Says:

6 August 2007 at 7:36 pm.

Congratulations!!!!! So happy to see Sheridan united with his Mama and Baba!! Praying for you!

epin Says:

6 August 2007 at 7:36 pm.

Congrats! What a beautiful new family.

Hayley Hoppe Says:

6 August 2007 at 8:59 pm.

Congratulations from one of CCAI’s WCP members. We have been following your journey to Sheridan and these photos make it all worth while, and of course the witty posts help:-)

We hope you have a wonderful stay in China and can’t wait to see more photos and words…please keep them coming!

We would love to participate in your 100 wishes quilt, I have some great fabrics and would love to send a squish your way when you are ready.


Hayley Hoppe
mum to Piper (Qujiang, Gunagdong a.11.1.05)
waiting for Paisley (CCAI WCP, yet to be matched)


melanie Says:

7 August 2007 at 8:18 am.

Finally. He is beautiful. Rainbow loves him. Can’t wait to get him here. Mel

Mike Elble & Kelly Norwood Says:

7 August 2007 at 7:30 pm.

Okay, now I’m crying. So beautiful!

CCAI Jan/Feb DTC Group

Heidi Hales Says:

11 August 2007 at 1:03 am.

He is absolutely gorgeous! So happy that your
day to be with him forever finally arrived! Thanks for sharing all the pictures — they are precious!

(Mom to 2 handsome Chinese boys)

About Our Family

We have been married for 26 years, and have been blessed with our youngest son from China. Our oldest son is from Nicaragua. He and his wife have given us two outstanding grandchildren. Our daughter is Thai and is married to a wonderful son-in-law.

This is the chronicle of our adventures as a family with Sheridan.

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