1 July 2008

China Tree Planning – 07/01/08 China Tree Planning

Posted by BaBa under: China Tree School .

After a nap at home, we went over to Dan and Susan’s to pick up Sheridan’s Half the Sky Life Book. The Half the Sky Charity became involved in his orphanage during his stay. We had been given a collection of pages about our son. 49 pages of history to be exact filled with observations, photos and milestones of our son. To say these pages are precious is an understatement. We had been trying to get these translated for awhile and now we had the pages translated in English. You can tell that he was well cared for and can read between the lines about their concerns about language (which was delayed). The traits that we see are documented in these pages such as his love for cookies or snack as an example.

We were overjoyed to get these pages. I will be working on my photo database and will scan every photo so that I will have every shot that we have of our little guy cataloged. I will then be able to do a couple of projects for the 1 year gotcha day anniversary. Stay tuned for those projects.

We had a nice time talking to Dan while Susan worked with the teachers for the China Tree School. I took a few photos during the night of their planning. I even got one shot outside of the beautiful flowers.

We are looking forward to starting him in China Tree this fall.


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About Our Family

We have been married for 26 years, and have been blessed with our youngest son from China. Our oldest son is from Nicaragua. He and his wife have given us two outstanding grandchildren. Our daughter is Thai and is married to a wonderful son-in-law.

This is the chronicle of our adventures as a family with Sheridan.

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