21 June 2008

Going to the Airport to Welcome Baby Meron 6-21-08

Posted by BaBa under: Airport Welcomes .

Today was a day that we had waited for and prayed for as our friends the Hoffmans were coming home with their darling daughter Meron. It was a busy day for us, but one that we would not miss. I was at a conference in Duluth and would journey to the airport on my own. MaMa and Sheridan would go by Tymm and Laura’s to pick up Laura’s Mom (Sandra) and Aunt (Connie) to ride with her to the airport.

I worked the last couple of nights redesigning Sheridan’s blog template. This morning I had an early appointment with TRS (Teacher Retirement Service) to inquiry about options after retirement in 4 to 6 years. I found out that the information given to me by personnel at the University was incorrect. They had told me that I could only make ½ of my retirement pay or that every subsequent dollar would cut my retirement by the same amount. This is not true. I can work at the University full time and draw my pension. All I have to do is join the ORP – Optional Retirement Plan. WHEW. I did not want to have to leave the state when I retired from high school in order to teach college full time.

MaMa’s morning started early as well. She got Sheridan up who was very excited as he had been really waiting for this day for as long as we had. He seems to have a special connection to Meron. He talks about her often and even bursts into song or prays when she needs it most.

We all arrived about the same time and the wait begins. As the wait continues, the welcoming party starts to swell. It was one of the largest welcoming home groups we have seen. There were friends from work, friends from church, friends from First Fridays (some overlap with church), and friends from the Yahoo Ethiopian group.

Finally the moment arrived and they came up the escalator. Note, we will need to start telling families which one of the three escalators to take so that we can just watch the center one instead of scanning all three (HA, HA). What a happy crew. Tymm was filming the scene as he and Laura came up and saw the greeting crew.

I will let the photos speak for themselves. Just say that they had a Massive Welcome and we are so over the MOON for them. Welcome home Meron, we have all been waiting for you, especially Sheridan.


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About Our Family

We have been married for 26 years, and have been blessed with our youngest son from China. Our oldest son is from Nicaragua. He and his wife have given us two outstanding grandchildren. Our daughter is Thai and is married to a wonderful son-in-law.

This is the chronicle of our adventures as a family with Sheridan.

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