22 June 2008

Airport and Hospital

Posted by BaBa under: Daily Life; Friends and Family .

Just a short post for tonight. It has been a VERY busy day. We went to the airport today to greet Tymm, Laura and their new daughter Meron on their trip home from Ethiopia. What happy transformed folks we saw with the bright smiling bundle of joy. I will write more about it later when I get to post the photos.

We then came home and had just enough time to download the photos and partially charge the batteries before it was time to fly out the door and grab food on the way back to (yeah you guessed it) the Airport. Laura and Erik were arriving back from Shanghai with their new son Nikalas. They looked and sounded better than we expected. They both have had laryngitis and been ill while getting Nikalas. More on this in another post later with photos.

We left the Airport and did not pass go or collect $200 while in route to Children’s Hospital. Sheridan’s swelling in the wrist and hand had increased over the day. We went to the ER to get this looked at as we leave for Colorado on Tuesday. Neither of us wanted to be out of town with the prospect of having to find a hospital and deal with insurance hassles including out of state, out of network, etc.

He was seen quickly by 1 doctor who than called the Orthopedic resident that was on call that night. Dr. Koo looked at it and again believed it was fluid. Well you can guess what happened next. A screaming (I don’t blame him) Sheridan had another 13cc of yellowish clear liquid drained from his wrist. It is now flat as a pancake and wrapped in an elastic ace bandage. Dr. Koo called Dr. Fabergas and consulted with him. We worried because the injury was growing and he was telling us that it hurt. We are also skiddish about having to deal with it in Colorado.

So we now have instructions for the trip and know who to call. More later as We also are SOOOO TIRED. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

7 Comments so far...

amy Says:

22 June 2008 at 1:30 pm.

Oh guys, I hope you have a wonderful trip and I can wait to see the pictures. Hope the new family is getting some rest!

Special K Says:

22 June 2008 at 5:55 pm.

I’m so sorry Sheridan is having to deal with this. We’ll be praying for you.

Welcome home to our world traveling friends. I know what comfort it can be to see Michael, Kim and Sheridan at the top of that escalator.

Heather Says:

23 June 2008 at 7:09 am.

You guys are such an amazing support for us all!

I see you’ve been tinkering with the blog! Looks GREAT!

tymm Says:

23 June 2008 at 9:25 am.

Praying for Sheridan. Thanks so much for all you did this weekend – you were such a blessing to Laura’s mom and aunt.

Keep us in the loop on Sheridans arm…

Angela, Jay and Laney Says:

23 June 2008 at 12:28 pm.

So sorry to hear the swelling is back. Praying for Sheridan.

We were so BUMMED that we missed little Meron’s homecoming at the airport. Can’t wait to meet her.

Like the new blog look!

Have a great trip to Colorado!

Nancy DeMetris Says:

25 June 2008 at 12:19 pm.

Just wanted to say what a little trooper your handsome son, Sheridan, is. I hope that his wrist
heals soon. Love your updates.

Nancy, Tim & Tripp (CCAI LID Jan./Feb. group)

Rebecca Says:

26 June 2008 at 12:21 pm.

I am just catching up on your blog. I like the new look.

Sorry to read about the swelling on Sheridan’s arm. What can we do?

About Our Family

We have been married for 26 years, and have been blessed with our youngest son from China. Our oldest son is from Nicaragua. He and his wife have given us two outstanding grandchildren. Our daughter is Thai and is married to a wonderful son-in-law.

This is the chronicle of our adventures as a family with Sheridan.

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