6 April 2008
Posted by BaBa under: Daily Life; Friends and Family .
We went to church with Tymm and Laura this Sunday. It was a very different service from our traditional Episcopal service. The first thing that we noticed were the large screens in the auditorium and the cameras. Once we got past these cosmetic differences, we were then able to tune into the quiet peaceful sounds of the guitar coming from the main stage.
It was so peaceful to hear the gentle chords as they seeped into our souls. We also noticed a lazyboy chair and a treadmill on the stage along with the other instruments. I was sure that the lazyboy and treadmill would be a part of the message (not really a sermon in the traditional church manner). The service was vastly different than the order specified in the book of common prayer.
Going to visit a different church is always a little unsettling as you move out of your comfort zone. However, we did feel at ease. Our feeling of ease came from the contemporary music and of course that we were with Tymm and Laura. Many of our adoption community group — First Friday — attends church here. In fact our group now meets at the church.
Sheridan really enjoyed the music. He swayed and rocked back and forth while swaying in time with the music. He really enjoys music and the dirge music at our church has never been popular with me and he also does not enjoy it.
We are searching for community and for a meaningful message when we worship. We have been through a lot of changes at our church and with each change we increasingly feel on the outside looking in. The traditional music program at our church has always been of a poor quality. We used to have a Saturday Evening Service with Contemporary Music. This was really great. I miss this service and I miss the people who used to attend this service. We had a group that would go to dinner after the service, but because of a change in church leadership and some other changes, most of these people have left for various reasons. So, to make the story short, we lost a beloved priest, a preferred service time, good music and a group of friends.
We did enjoy the Worship Experience. It was radically different, but fortunately nothing like the Baptist services that I recall with dread from my youth. I miss communion. I miss some of the structure, but we shall see how things go. As to this experience, it was a first experience and we shall see how it progresses.
After the service, we saw many people we know and that also added to our comfort level. We then went to lunch with Tymm and Laura and enjoyed their company at Chili’s. We had a wonderful dinner filled with meaningful conversation. It just fit well with the message at Church that day is taking time to rest on the Sabbath and not drift away from God’s plan for each of us. Part of this plan is rest. Good friends and conversation are an excellent source of rest for the soul.
We also ordered two Chocolate Deserts. One was white chocolate and the other was dark chocolate.
Man did Sheridan tear into the dark chocolate cake. He really never has had sweets as he initially did not like ice cream or sweets. His tastebuds are evolving. He has told us (before Sunday) that Sheridan likey ice cream. His face was priceless as he enjoyed this treat while all of us also enjoyed the deserts. It was wonderful to see him have such a good time.Friends are a priceless treasure. You have to nourish these relationships to enjoy the fruits of this priceless gift.
4 Comments so far...
Laura Says:
8 April 2008 at 7:10 am.
We had a such fun with you all on Sunday. It was such a blessing to spend time with you, to soak in your knowledge of the adoption process and of course to dive into the chocolate!!
Liz Says:
8 April 2008 at 10:26 am.
Dan and I attended St Catherine Episcopal church for 14 years and were Episcopal for the first 22 years of marriage- Same thing happened at our church and we still are kinda searching for a new place to worship
We do like our Mt Zion UMC but miss communion greatly. I feel for you during this transition- and will say prayers for you to find the place that God is calling you to for worship, growth, friendship and love.
just something else we have in common-
Liz Dan Michelle and Zach
Heather Says:
13 April 2008 at 10:33 pm.
I can’t believe it…I turned to the Episcopal church when Eric and I married. I grew up in a Presbyterian church (I don’t remember liking the music then 🙂 so the structure, weekly communion, and book of common prayer was something I had to get used to. We’ve had some things happen that we were unhappy with, and now we haven’t been to church since last November when Lily was baptised. That’s been hard in many ways. We’ve been wondering where to go. We’ve talked for a while now about trying North Metro because we knew so many that loved it there. You’ve braved waters we couldn’t yet…thank you…I hope we see you there this Sunday and we’d love to join you for chocolate and lunch!…or should we have lunch before the chocolate?…we’ll leave it up to Sheridan!