1 March 2008

Micah is Home – YEAH ! ! !

Posted by BaBa under: Daily Life; Friends and Family .

Saturday was a day that we had waited for as the Ladmans were coming home with Micah. We got to know Karen and Bruce in our First Friday adoption group. This group has become more of a community and we are so thankful for Dan and Susan who created this community. We have made so many friends within the group. MaMa has many play friends for Sheridan as a result of the friendships from this group. We have been able to give back to our group in mentoring others with paperwork, travel plans and two pair of ears to listen when someone needs to talk. We have also made friends who we can turn to for advice and help when we have questions.

We have enjoyed getting to know Karen and Bruce during our many First Fridays dinners. We have many things in common with them, not the least being that our boys are just a few months apart and the same size. Sheridan has been looking forward to their getting home and tells us each day of their trip that Karen is in China, Bruce is China and Micah is in CHINA (Capital letters for emphasis).

Karen and Bruce journeyed to Tianjin this past month to get Micah. Sheridan is elated to have another boy to play with. These two are going to be double trouble together. We anxiously passed the time during the day until we could leave for the Airport. Finally the time came and we were off. We would make one stop to get Micah an Elmo Balloon and a Welcome Home Balloon. We arrived before the flight though the traffic was heavy in the shopping center where Party City was located. I looked around and found the other part of the welcome party by deducing that if you have a Congratulations – It’s a Boy and Welcome Home Balloons then this must be the right folks.

Needless to say, we were glad to meet their friends from Church and Karen’s parents. I kept watch on the top of the escalator for them so that I could get that first shot.


All of our emotions were charged to finally meet Micah and have our friends home. Adoption trips are not a vacation. They are an emotional roller coaster ride with many twists, turns along with the ups and downs. Each family prepares for them as best as they can, but you can never fully prepare for all that happens even when most of these emotions are expected. We continue to keep them in our prayers as they adjust to being parents of a bouncing baby boy.

As you can see Sheridan wanted Micah to wake up and play. He was disappointed that he was asleep, but ready to help with the stroller and later with the luggage. The classic moment came when Micah was awakened to get into the van for the ride home. Sheridan was in the van as well. Micah woke up and stared at Sheridan like that had been waiting to see each other. Too precious. Sheridan then wanted to ride home with him and comfort him on the way home.

Enjoy the pictures from their welcome home party.



4 Comments so far...

amy Says:

3 March 2008 at 12:28 am.

What precious moments!

Donna Says:

3 March 2008 at 1:19 pm.

Thanks for posting the great pics. Hope they are doing well settling in. You guys are the best airport greeters ever!

Laura Says:

3 March 2008 at 4:12 pm.

I love it!! Did Sheridan give him an CRACKERS?!!!


Angela, Jay and Laney Says:

3 March 2008 at 8:32 pm.

So glad that they’re home with Micah! Can’t wait to meet him in person! 🙂

About Our Family

We have been married for 26 years, and have been blessed with our youngest son from China. Our oldest son is from Nicaragua. He and his wife have given us two outstanding grandchildren. Our daughter is Thai and is married to a wonderful son-in-law.

This is the chronicle of our adventures as a family with Sheridan.

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