20 August 2007
Airport Welcome and Back to Reality
Posted by BaBa under: Daily Life .
Yes, we are back to reality. Jet lag is really bad and so is the fatigue. Sheridan did OK on the long flight. He had some night terrors on the flight and kicked and screamed while sleeping. It is hard to wake him when he has experienced this. All in all, the trans-pacific flight was good.
The LA to Atlanta leg was another story. We did get switched to a direct flight as the New Orleans flight was delayed and there would be no way to make the connection home (only 30 minutes between flights). This resulted in a one hour later arrival. He really had a hard flight including more night terrors. Kim had to take him to the galley and sit with him in the floor for awhile. The flight attendants were very helpful and gracious along with being sympathetic.
We were met at the Airport by one set of Godparents and their 2 year old and his other Godmother, a close friend from church, my parents and another couple who is in the waiting process. It was a thrilling experience to feel missed and to feel their joy. Thanks to Tymm for the photos below.
We could not sleep well Saturday and ended up going to church since we were up. He did really well, no crying and great behavior. Our next stop was Walmart for food. He did OK while shopping, but at the checkout line he melted down when the food left the buggy to go on the belt. He thought someone was taking his food. He was some better when it was bagged and loaded back in the cart, but had issues when it went in the trunk. When we returned home, I had to leave food on the counter for the day so that he knew it was there. These are minor things that he has gotten over as the days have passed.
Sheridan is not sleeping through the night and this is adding to MaMa’s fatigue and a little to mine. I walked back into the classroom on Monday and have been trying to get right ever since.
I come home and play with the little guy, eat dinner and fall over dead. Tonight, I go back to the University as well. I have my
8-10:45pm Wednesday only class after my 6:30-7:45 MW class. I had a colleague teach Monday. I have also had another person with me all week so I am not alone facing all of the teenagers. This is a smart move for the fatigued.
Kim has been amazing. It is like she has always been a Mama. I am so proud of how she has parented him. On Monday, he fell and as boys do opened a gash on his chin and got a fat lip. He is fine and she doctored him up and off they went. He wants to go Bye-Bye all of the time. This is a leftover from the trip where there was something new each day to do.
He is eating well and yes, Belinda he likes cheese grits. So he fits right in with the other Southerners. It was at breakfast yesterday that he said his first sentence — Where is Baba? It is good to be missed.
We are working on getting him back on a schedule as he does well on schedules. Funny how that is as our lives (mine in particular) are all about schedules and calendars. I can’t even go to the bathroom unless a bell rings at the right time (He He).
His insurance is now setup and was back dated to August 1st. He is now set for the pediatrician appointment on Thursday. Kim is going to go Bye Bye with him today to a big consignment sale. He needs longer tops and smaller bottoms as he has no but. He is constantly loosing his drawers. Funny, huh.
I don’t want to paint a picture that all is wrong. In fact all is going well. We just have to get the sleep issue settled and his schedule in place.
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