10 August 2007

Travel Day 10 — Nanjing Lake Park and Avairy

Posted by BaBa under: Travel .

Today’s outing was the lake park in Nanjing. This is where we were just over a year ago when we climbed the city wall. We actually went through an underpass in the wall and continued into the park. We crossed over a bridge decorated with hanging lanterns. The site was really pretty. We stopped at the Aviary and went in to see the birds. It was interesting to see how the kids looked at and interacted with the birds. I got some good pictures and posted a few below.

We left the Aviary and stopped in the park to take some photos of the soft fabric animal sculptures. I took some photos below so that Ben and Carol could enjoy the pictures. We were thinking how much they would have enjoyed seeing these soft sculptures. We then went to a play place in the park. Sheridan had his first ride with BaBa. He was fine until MaMa got out of sight and then the tears started. He has definately connected with MaMa. Time will ease these tears when he is with others and me who also love and care for him. His second ride was with MaMa and he was all smiles. We finished our rides which were very inexpensive (actual cost figures are available for only those with Top Secret Clearances).

We continued to drive through the park and stop occassionally to take photos. We stopped at a beautiful statute in the lake and I got a couple of good shots of the statue. I also got a photo of the soft sculpture of a peacock. Our last photo stop was to get a picture of the railway station that is across from the lake. He was found on the opposite of the lake on the shore near the railway station. So I shot the photo of the railway station from across the lake for his memory book.

We continued back under the wall and back to the hotel. Our little camper, got tired and was hungry. We arrived back at the hotel and he had some yogurt and MaMa fixed some oatmeal. I went down to the BK and got us lunch along with some chicken nuggets for Mr. Magoo. He did not eat much at breakfast. Breakfast is either feast or famine. If they have fried rice, it is a feast day, otherwise it is a famine day. Of course today there was no fried rice and so it was a famine. He ate the chicken nuggets after the yougurt and oatmeal. He was happy to have a full stomach. We all laid down and took a nap.

We awoke when it was time to go shopping for shoes. We went out with Min to look for squeeky shoes. Alas, his feet are a little too big and wide for these. We did find some sandals the other day that light up and he is fascinated by these. We left Min and decided to go back to the two stores we went for his first shoes. We found shoes at the first store along with a hat that looks like my Irish caps. I had bought a blue one for me here the other day and was hoping that they might have something for him. His is a blue jean cap with the letters of the alphabet on it. He has taken to wearing it especially when I wear mine. We got three pair of shoes at this store along with the hat. Shoes are very inexpensive here (pricing censored due to Secrecy Requirements). We then went to the second shop which really is just a set of shelves in an open alley. We got two pair of shoes here and found another little hat (linen) for him to wear to church. He ended up with 5 pairs of shoes (2 light up when he walks) and they range in size for use now to some he can grow into for the future. We walked back to the hotel with him in his stroller clutching a pair of his light up shoes and with his cap on. I went and picked our laundry.

Tonight, we had pizza hall party. We all got together and ordered Papa John’s (which is quite good) and sat in the hall while the kids played. Mary Audrey and Sheridan played hard for about 90 mintues. She gives him orders and he carries them out. It is obvious that they played together often in the orphanage. It is almost like she is his “sister”. Mary Audrey will live in Orlando so we will be able to stay in touch with them. That will be good for both of them as they seem so close together. They speak to each other in what seems to be a secret language (secret at least to us). They really communicate to each other and Mary Audrey has taken well to her Auntie.

We finished the night and packed for tomorrow’s flight to Guangzhou. We had packing help from our littlest helper. We were amazed that he was such a help. We finished with packing and then two of us went to bed. I stayed up working on the editing and uploading the pictures below. We hope that we will have a smooth flight with Sheridan and that he will not be a flying screemer.

More tomorrow from the White Swan at Guangzhou.

Photos from the Lake Park in Nanjing
MaMa and Sheridan 1
2 Dragons playing with a pearl
Nanjing Lake Pavillion
Mary Audrey and Peacock
Bird 1
Bird 2
Belinda and Mary Audrey
2 Storks
Park Sculpture 1
Park Sculpture 2
Park Sculpture 3
Park Sculpture 4
BaBa and Sheridan
MaMa and Sheridan 2
Water Sculpture
Lake Park Statue
Nanjing Pagoda Tower
Train Station across the lake
Sheridan with BaBa’s Hat

One Comment so far...

Donna Says:

10 August 2007 at 10:04 pm.

Really enjoying reading your posts every day! Thanks for taking the time to give us details and enjoy the trip with you all.

About Our Family

We have been married for 26 years, and have been blessed with our youngest son from China. Our oldest son is from Nicaragua. He and his wife have given us two outstanding grandchildren. Our daughter is Thai and is married to a wonderful son-in-law.

This is the chronicle of our adventures as a family with Sheridan.

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