1 January 2010

The Last Week of 2009

Posted by BaBa under: Daily Life .

We have enjoyed being home this week.

On Tuesday, we went out and ran errands. MaMa got her last Christmas Present – a replacement for her old phone – a new iPhone. She will really enjoy this and will be getting some apps for Magoo to use as well. Magoo got a new and nifty non working floor model to make his calls to Bob, BaBa and MaMa.

On Wednesday, we met Donna and crew for dinner and playtime. We had a good time and Sheridan really liked seeing Shelby again. He gave his old phone to Shelby so he will add her to the call list. He wanted to text me as we left that night.

On Thursday, we had networking problems at home after a power outage. I finally ended up getting a new router in order to solve the problem. The electrical outages Wednesday in the middle of the night seems to have killed the older router. It appeared to be working, but still would not connect. Troubleshooting wasted a few hours during the day. We then went to Donna’s for New Year’s eve. It was a fun night.

So passed the last of 2009. It is a year that we will be glad to see in the rear-view mirror. It has been a hard year for us and for our friends and our country. Many including us have suffered financially. We are hoping for better times in 2010 as we enter the last year in this decade.

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About Our Family

We have been married for 26 years, and have been blessed with our youngest son from China. Our oldest son is from Nicaragua. He and his wife have given us two outstanding grandchildren. Our daughter is Thai and is married to a wonderful son-in-law.

This is the chronicle of our adventures as a family with Sheridan.

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