30 November 2009

Home Alone

Posted by BaBa under: Daily Life .

Well I am safely home alone as I got back on Friday night. Yesterday, I got to pickup Rainbow and call MaMa and Magoo. Magoo had a hard night Friday night as he missed his BaBa. I miss both of them. I ran errands yesterday and then went to my Dad’s where I watched a disappointing football game with my oldest son.

I have not slept well since being home, but hope for a better night tonight as I am getting adjusted to being home. Rainbow has also missed both MaMa and Magoo. When I got her yesterday afternoon, she searched the house trying to find them.

Today, I graded while watching Angels and Demons today. It is really good. Tom Hanks is superb and Ron Howard is a talented director. I have also watched a few of the Hallmark or ABC Family Christmas movies. Late this afternoon, I went over to Dad and Mom’s house for their Alternate Holiday. Mom and Dad always have holidays on another day to accommodate those who need to be at another location for the actual holiday. We had a good night with conversation, good food and a nice family get together.

I got home and prepared for tomorrow while watching another Christmas Movie. It has made it easier that we can now Skype. It has made it easier on all of us. I could not Skype on Friday as I got in late and it was past his bedtime. Well he slept better on Saturday after he got to see me. I got home from Dad’s tonight in time to Skype them again. What a great service. We just have not had to any reason to use it before, but I suspect we will find a a way to use it more often such as the nights I teach and want get home before his bedtime.

MaMa was reading him a Christmas Carol and he was practicing Bah Humbug as he had keyed in on Scrooge’s classic line. Well he said in once when in bed and then for the second one – only got out the Bah before falling asleep.

Miss you guys.

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About Our Family

We have been married for 26 years, and have been blessed with our youngest son from China. Our oldest son is from Nicaragua. He and his wife have given us two outstanding grandchildren. Our daughter is Thai and is married to a wonderful son-in-law.

This is the chronicle of our adventures as a family with Sheridan.

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