5 August 2009

The Last of Summer Roundup

Posted by BaBa under: Adoption Community Group; Daily Life; Special Days .

It has been a busy two weeks. I have gone back to school and regretfully left summer behind. We have had a busy summer with building projects, redecorating, retrofitting, and Adoption Option on the Friday before Planning week.

Tuesday 08-04-09, we went to Open House for Timothy Ministries. Magoo is enrolled in school for home-schoolers one day a week. It was a surreal experience to realize that the little guy was going to be in school. It was also the first time in my life that I have been to an Open House as a parent. I never got to do this with the older two as they came into our lives as teenagers and became family right after they became adults. I sat there thinking about what a milestone this night was and how it would be for him to go to school on Tuesday. He really has come a long way and I do not mean distance. Magoo has grown up into a confident, fun little guy. He is happy and this feeling of joy issues from him as he lives each moment to the fullest.

We then went to dinner with Claxtons to celebrate our family gotchas day a little early. We wanted to spend this special time with them as they are so much a part of bringing Magoo home to be in our family. It would be a good night for us to get together as they were also at Open House.

Cristy and the girls joined us last year for our first Gotcha Day anniversary or as one of our blogging friends D calls it Famiversary. We joined them for a nice night of conversation and burgers at Fudruckers after our Open House at Timothy Ministries. Thanks for being there through our journey and remaining with us as we parent these precious little ones as they grow up.

This Friday was our target to get the projects complete as marked the last free day of the Summer. We had a great time with the group and really enjoyed all of the conversations and friendships. It is truly what our community is about. Words fail me when I choose to write about this community and what it means to me. We look forward to our monthly get together and the chance to swap stories, share experiences and enjoy good friendship.

One Comment so far...

Rebecca Says:

25 August 2009 at 6:50 am.

Going to have to steal “famiversary”!

About Our Family

We have been married for 26 years, and have been blessed with our youngest son from China. Our oldest son is from Nicaragua. He and his wife have given us two outstanding grandchildren. Our daughter is Thai and is married to a wonderful son-in-law.

This is the chronicle of our adventures as a family with Sheridan.

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