16 November 2008
A Light at the end of the Tunnel
Posted by BaBa under: Daily Life .
I am beginning to see the end of this long semester and it is good to see it coming to an end. It has been hard teaching 4 nights a week, but I am not complaining about working. I am so thankful to be working when so many are getting cutback or let go. We count our blessing each and every day. It is just a fact that it is much harder to teach a 4 night a week schedule instead of the usual Monday and Wednesday schedule.
I have class tonight and Tuesday this week. I will have completed all of the required material this week and the students are busily working on their semester ending team project. I have planned for them to have time to work on this comprehensive project in both classes beginning on Wednesday. I will not meet classes again until the last week of class in December. This gives them 2 class meetings over a two week period to complete the work on their project.
When we return from Thanksgiving Break, I will be collecting projects in both classes, covering a short set of notes and preparing them for the final at the end of the week. I then will only have grading to complete as the term ends.
I am so looking forward to Christmas this year. It is the first year in many that I do not have to push the students and myself at the high school. Instead of having exams before the break and pushing the students to prepare for them and me to grade them, we are having exams after the New Year. This means that I can complete projects and then test after the first of the year as well as complete grades after the first of the year.
It seems like a small thing, but when everything is due before Christmas, you work really hard and then stumble exhausted into Christmas break. It takes you 3 to 4 days to recover from this push and then you have 1 or 2 days to prepare for the holiday. This is too much stress. I look forward to being home each night after the University term ends and spending time with my family while working hard at school, but leaving school at school each day. Here is how I want to be able to spend some time in the near future. Thanks to Sheridan for showing us how it is done to relax and rest.
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