13 October 2008

Changes and other random thoughts

Posted by BaBa under: Daily Life; Retrospect .

It is amazing to watch the changes that Magoo has undergone recently. He is now washing his own hair and for the most part bathing on his own. To think that the little guy was afraid of the tub and shower only a blink of the eye ago. He can dress himself except for some of the buttons and snaps and also undress. He also wants to do this as he wants to do the tasks and be independent. We choose to foster this independence. He also wants to do the “commuter” as he calls it “all by myself.” This includes choosing and putting in the DVD (really a CD) by himself and starting the program.

I even read that he had posted on the bloogy thing last night (though I think that he actually had some help).

He tries to be so helpful. I forgot to take a basket of laundry upstairs and MaMa told me that he attempted to carry it up so that she would not have to carry it. Soon he will be able to complete this and other helpful tasks that he only wants to complete now, but cannot quite yet. We actively encourage this and patiently wait as he takes twice as long to complete a task as we could. However, if we do not then when he can really be much more helpful he will not. I remember wanting to help my Pops (Grandfather) do tasks and he did not have as much patience. So when my brother and I really could be helpful, we were not interested. I hope to have learned from this in how we raise Sheridan.

MaMa and I were spelling words and he piped up and said s t o p means stop and soon will be able to put the letters together and thus ends this parent communication. I think that within 6 months we will be unable to spell without him deciphering the code.

It is still amazing to glimpse the world through his eyes. It is still fun to “make magic” by opening the automatic doors at a store. He still thinks that I am in the phone when I call and can see objects held in front of the phone. He marvels at things and I cannot wait to experience his reaction to the cruise ship.

He is also questioning the world as he sees it. We have photos upstairs in a collage frame. There is a photo of a cruise ship there and next to it a picture of us at the Trevi Fountain in Rome. He asked if this was the cruise ship he would sail on. No, but it is similar. He then looked at the photo of us by the fountain. He said MaMa and pointed to her and then BaBa and pointed to me. His next question was where is Sheridan? Obvious he thought that he should be in the picture as well. That was interesting trying to explain that we traveled on this trip even before there was Sheridan. The photo was taken 2 years before he was born and still only a long heartfelt prayer that only God remembered.

Being a father to a little one helps me glimpse a small part of the love that our father has for us and that our parents also felt. It is truly a wonderful change and the most important one of all so far.

One Comment so far...

Laura Says:

15 October 2008 at 1:31 pm.

Reading this post gave me the chills…the good kind. You are such a beautiful family!

About Our Family

We have been married for 26 years, and have been blessed with our youngest son from China. Our oldest son is from Nicaragua. He and his wife have given us two outstanding grandchildren. Our daughter is Thai and is married to a wonderful son-in-law.

This is the chronicle of our adventures as a family with Sheridan.

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