10 September 2008

Family 09-02-2008

Posted by BaBa under: Daily Life; Special Days .

Dear Son,
You are so thoughtful, kind and have such a big heart. You have just learned about the concept of family. You discovered this in your own way without us telling you about it. I cannot tell you how much joy it gave MaMa and I to hear you tell us that this was YOUR family. YOUR family – MaMa, BaBa, Sheridan and Rainbow to use your own words.

You then told us that all of your new friends had families and that everyone had a family. Yes, you are correct that all of your new friends do have a family. However, I did not have the heart to tell you or try to explain that not everyone has a family. Everyone should have a family, but alas this is an imperfect world and not everyone has a family.

You have a family that loves you greatly. You have a MaMa and BaBa and of course your little dog Rainbow. You have been welcomed into your forever family by your immediate and extended family.

Your immediate family includes your Nana, Ye Ye, brother and sister. Because of the age difference, at first it will also be hard to grasp that you have an older brother and sister and that your niece and nephew are older than you.

Our immediate family was created through God’s grace and love that brought your brother, your sister and you into your BaBa and MaMa’s lives. All of our children joined our family through adoption. Your older brother came first when he asked us to adopt him. Your sister adopted us and we adopted you. Our family tree has many different branches as each of you are from a different country. We have no doubt that God brought us together and created our family because we can see his handiwork in how each of our children came into our family.

Your extended family includes your Aunts and Uncles and cousins — Uncle Mark (BaBa’s brother), Aunt Sebreania and their children Cousin Chad and Cousin Tate. Aunt Michelle (BaBa’s sister), Uncle Bill and their children – Cousin Ben and Cousin Carol.

So, I hope that when you read this later in your life, you will understand how important family is and that you discovered this on your own today. We love you so much and are proud of you for grasping that you have a forever family. Over the years, you will grow in understanding of what it truly means to be a family. Today, you discovered the basic concept on your own.

I wish I could tell you that everyone had a family. This is not true. There are many reasons why this is not true and each is complicated and unique. People for whatever reason fall out of relationship with each other. Sometimes this happens because of death, but more often other reasons drive a wedge in the relationship and it splinters. This also how people can fall out of relationship with God. They let some issue come between them and the one who created us and loves us and who seeks to stay in relationship with his creation through grace. His grace given freely to us.

What I am trying to tell you is that relationships are the foundation of your life. They are the most important things in life. First is your relationship with God. Next comes your relationship with your family. To this you add your relationships with friends and then your relationship to the world at large. The most inner of these circles is your relationship with God. Treasure your relationships and they will wrap you in Love. God’s Love and the love of your family and friends.

Today is a momentous day as you became aware that you have a family and that we are your family. Thanks be to God.


One Comment so far...

Cristy Says:

10 September 2008 at 3:19 pm.

What a beautiful post Michael! The blessing of family is life’s richest gift this side of heaven!

About Our Family

We have been married for 26 years, and have been blessed with our youngest son from China. Our oldest son is from Nicaragua. He and his wife have given us two outstanding grandchildren. Our daughter is Thai and is married to a wonderful son-in-law.

This is the chronicle of our adventures as a family with Sheridan.

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